thats an old wives tale
i crave sour stuff all the time and im having a boy
I want to know if this is true or false?
all that stuff is just crap!! I have people tell me all the time they have these gender tests they swear by and that they worked for them every time, so they do them on me, (its based on age at conception, age when I'll have the baby and the month and all that crap) every time I'm suppose to have a boy and have yet to have a boy!
That totally depends on who you ask. I have heard that if its sour stuff its a boy and if its sweet its a girl. I crave sweet and I'm having a girl so for me its true. But my SIL craved sweets, and she had a boy, today actually. Best of luck to you!
i am only told sour if a girl and sugary if a boy, i know the acid weakens the chances of the y chromosome so yeah...
It has a 50/50 chance of being true ;-)
Yeah, it's an old wives' tale. Therefore it may hold true for some, but it cannot be counted on to be true.
It is just a myth. I craved salty and sweet things throughout my pregnancy and had a healthy baby girl.
i crave chocolate and milk which...chocolate is sweet and full of sugar and im having a boy
I'm sure that's just one of the many old wives tales regarding pregnancy. I know for me, I don't want sweets at all, and am having a girl.
Not true! When my mom was pregnant with me (a girl), pretty much all she wanted was spicy!
i crave sour and sugars but im havn a boy.
those r all old wives tales
Wives Tale, only way to know for sure what you are having is by ultrasound or at birth. Congrats!
not true at all
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