Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do citizens ever have to pay fines for false fire alarms?

For example, if you burn food while cooking and the smoke detector goes off and the fire dept sends a crew to this false fire alarm - does an ordinary citizen have to pay a penalty?Do citizens ever have to pay fines for false fire alarms?
It is CERTAINLY a finable offense to set off false fire alarms. And some fire depts. are NOW billing people for the whole episode--dispatching fire trucks, personnel-- costing thousands of dollars!!

Based on your question I hope your smoke detector isn't hot wired directly to your fire dept. If so GET IT OFF NOW!Do citizens ever have to pay fines for false fire alarms?
in my area, they let you get away with that once. each time after that it a 100 dollar fine.
if you are in your house-more than likely-it would be you that called the fire department. the solution-don't call the fire department when you burn food. the response of the fire department for an apartment complex-which would be a neighbor calling the fire department-is paid for by city tax and county tax.
Only if it becomes a recurrent theme in your house!
Not under those circumstances. However, if you turn in an alarm on purpose, that is false, then yes you would be fined. Pretty hefty fine too.
Yes in certain areas they do as well as burgler alarm systems. I think they used to allow a couple, but after that you were charged. It was tough sometimes because some systems would go off if the sun was really bright or if there was a surge in electric or if the electric went out. You can't blame them though when so much time is wasted for nothing.

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