Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is the chance to have a false postive pregnancy home test?

It is very unlikely that you would have a false positive. People get false NEGATIVES not false positives with HPT's. There are exceptions.

1. Tumors on your ovary

2. If you are talking HCG fertility medicine

3. Evaporation line on the test, they look Grey. It means you didn't get enough on the stick. If its pink or blue its not an evaporation line.What is the chance to have a false postive pregnancy home test?
Probably about 1%! If you got a positive than you are most likely pregnant!!! Congrats and Good Luck!What is the chance to have a false postive pregnancy home test?
not likely
It appears a few of the others did not read the is very very very rare to have a false positive.

Much more common to have a false negative.

Check out for all you need to know.

The home test are 99.9 % accurate. If there is an error, it's usually a false negative. It is very rare, if not impossible, to get a false positive. If it says you are pregnant, you most probably are. Good luck!
go to the doctor and get a blood test so you'll know 100% cause anything is possible
a false positive is very, very rare. if you got a positive, you are pregnant. go see your doctor asap to confirm and to get put on prenatals. good luck and congratulations!
There is probably a 1% chance of having a false positive. The only way a false positive could occur is if you are currently on fertility treatments in which you have to take shots of HCG, or like on other poster mentioned, a tumor and/or cyst on your ovary.

If you have tested and got a positive, with the exception of case scenarios above, you are most definetely pregnant.
There are only false negatives. Once you have a positive, you are or at least were( miscarriage) pregnant.
The chances are very high my girlfriend took 3 test %26amp; they were all negative %26amp; she had 2 lots of periods she was sure she was still pregnant so she went to the doctors %26amp; had a blood test %26amp; she was 8weeks yes it can happen..if your in doubt go have a blood test...good luck..
Not likely unless you took it too early.
There is a chance of a false HPT. If you test too early, your hormones might not have gotten to a point where the test can detect them.
very low, as it measures HCG Human chorionic Gonadatropin . You don't get a chorion unless there has been a pregnancy.

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