Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is false labor diff than braxton hicks?

I've been having contractions but there not regular. They don't stop when I change positions or eat or drink. I've had them since yesterday and they started out reg then eased up then started back 5min apart then eased. They haven't gone away though so is this false labor? Does this mean labor is to come soon or what because they have gone on for so long?Is false labor diff than braxton hicks?
You will know when they are real. You won't be able to talk through them.They do not have to be regular but they will hurt. It is annoying though just try not to spend all your time obsessing about them and timing them. I have been dealing with the same thing. Mine actually dilated me so don't give up hope I'm 3-4 cm and have been for over a week. They are probably doing something but i wouldn't go in just yet..unless of course you are not at least 37weeks. Good luck won't be long now.Is false labor diff than braxton hicks?
sounds like braxton hicks. you get them around 30 something weeks, they dont hurt and feels like tightness. it doesnt mean early labor or that labor is anywhere near. when you are in real labor, you wont be able to walk during one of those contractions.
I went to the ER for the same thing. They told me they where the same thing. And could last for months. That made me sad. But it is about a month and a half later and I still get them. It sucks. Try walking that helped them allot.

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