Sunday, February 7, 2010

Would Obama have won the election if not for his little gang ACORN casting false votes for him?

You do realize that ACORN signed up over 2 million new Republican voters last year? Of course you do have to remember the attacks on ACORN have been paid for by the Oil Industry who are worried about ACORN's efforts to help labor.Would Obama have won the election if not for his little gang ACORN casting false votes for him?
1. ACORN didn't cast any votes. They registered voters.

2. ACORN pointed out that some of their employees were registering fake voters. ACORN turned the employees over.

3. Registration fraud is not voter fraud.

4. The employees registered as many fake republican voters as they did democrat voters.

5. Not a single one of the false registrations made a single vote.

6. Both Mccain and Obama have donated to ACORN, in almost equal amounts.

7. There have been no convictions regarding voter fraud.

8. ACORN registered 2 million republican voters.

9. Obama's ';ties'; to ACORN are tenuous at best and have been trumped up by ignorant media personalities to boost ratings.

10. Obama had a 10 million vote lead, he could afford to lose a few and still come out on top.Would Obama have won the election if not for his little gang ACORN casting false votes for him?
Can you provide ANY PROVEN REPORT/ CONVICTION anywhere that there have been false votes?

No, you cannot.

It helps when you understand the difference between voter fraud, and false REGISTRATIONS (all of which were reported by Acorn, and never resulted in Micky Mouse voting anywhere.)
Patrick B. , registration fraud is tantamount to voter fraud. Right now Barry Soetoro has enough fraud concerning his surrogate presidency to be considered impeachment worthy. As far as the rest of your info Patrick B, it's as fraudulent as Barry Soetoro and ACORN.
Of course there has been zero evidence of illegal votes. And there has been zero known occurrences of sucessful illegal registrations.

While there were fictitious names (such as Mickey Mouse) written on registration forms, those forms legally had to be accepted by the registrars - even if they knew it was fake. All were presumably properly screened out during the usual voter ID confirmation process.
False votes were never cast. False registration forms were everywhere. But just because you register as Mickey Mouse, doesn't mean you will be allowed to vote as Mickey Mouse. Voters must show ID. Yours is a common misconception pushed by right wing pundits.
Yes he would have. There was a massive wave of anti republicanism. Any smart democrat could have won. And Obama was the smart one that seized on it.
just get over the fact that he won....would bush have won if Florida wouldnt have had those problems with their ballots...who knows...he is in office so just do your part as an American and vote again next election.
Obama won by about 10 million votes. If anyone were faking votes in those numbers it would have been very obvious.
If this is true, then it makes up for Bush stealing the 2000 election. Now we can all shut up about both these guys. BTW Obama should get two terms like GWB did!
When will you people learn he won because the majority of Americans want change.
Would Bush have been elected if his brother hadn't been governor of Florida and supervising ';hanging chads';?
Obama won by a landslide so yes he still would have won. Acorn casting false votes are BS propaganda from the right.
Probably not. ACORN cheated him a win.
What false votes ? ACORN never did any such thing for anyone. That's a Repub trick...

You are such a little wuzzy crybaby loser
Probably. Just because so many people are like in love with him.
Probably not!
Probably not and then there is the fact that when Acorn was reported for it's criminal activity, they were given a pass, just like Obama was given one. It is difficult to understand why this type of activity is permitted and that there are no consequences for either the criminal activities of the group or the criminal activities of the President. I don't trust either.
Between George Soros and Acorn and other big money people Obama bought that election fair and square ...I don't know how much the false votes helped but this guy almost spent a billion dollars getting elected.....Now he is like a five year old sky rocket .. looks and acts like it will fly but it won't ..
In my opinion, Obama is like a puppet. He represents African Americans and Muslims. These are two of the U.S's biggest races that disapprove of many things. Just ask yourself, how many things has Obama done that actually seem to make sense or make positive changes?
ACORN and SEIU fraud in several swing states may have tipped the balance.
Does the majority matter anymore now that we are a dictatorship?

52% of people DO NOT want his health care plan, but we're going to get it.

Freedom and rights are OVER.
Obama and ACORN should be on trial for treason! They stole our right to vote!

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