Sunday, February 7, 2010

True/False: Nationalism become another form of religion?

Think about it now..True/False: Nationalism become another form of religion?
Nationalism does share a number of characteristics with religion. Instead of worshiping a god, though, it's your gov't and/or country that you're devoted to. Like religion, nationalism strongly encourages an ';us vs. them'; mindset as well as a sense of moral superiority. And like religion, nationalism isn't just about a particular set of ideas, but about defending and spreading a particular way of life.

I agree with Einstein when he remarked that nationalism is a disease. Far and away the two biggest dividers of humans are religion and government. There's nothing wrong with having pride in one's country, but nationalism goes further in also making you blind to your country's problems and shortcomings, which will never get fixed if we keep ignoring them. And like religion, nationalism is often used to justify acts of evil, like the Nazis in Germany, the pogroms in Russia, and torture of POW's by our own gov't. Not to mention abridgment of rights under the guise of national defense, and the labeling as unpatriotic of those who dare to question their gov't.True/False: Nationalism become another form of religion?
Nationalism is simply Tribalism done on a grand scale. The ';us vs. them'; paradigm can apply to a lot of things, and Nationalism is one or many ways to make the distinction, nothing more. While it can manifest a bigotry, a belief that one nationality is inherently superior to another, just as can religion with a belief that one god is inherently superior to another, the fact that they can be expressed in similar manners doesn't make them similar to each other.
One of your answers compared Nationalism with Patriotism. Nationalism, The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.

Patriotism, ones devotion to ones Country. I cant see how one is confused with the other. It must be ignorance.

We are in the great age of racial dispersion, and it culminates in a period of intense nationalism. Color is the basis of tribal and national groupings, and the different races often develop separate languages. Each expanding group of people tends to seek isolation. This segregation is favored by the existence of many languages. Before the unification of the several races their relentless warfare sometimes results in the obliteration of whole peoples; the disadvantaged are particularly subject to such extinction.

World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government--the sovereignty of all mankind.

Today we are witnessing our Government gowing and expanding in the name of Nationalism the out cry in the land is based on the fact that we are doing the wrong thing and we wish it to stop.

. Without God, without religion, scientific secularism can never co-ordinate its forces, harmonize its divergent and rivalrous interests, races, and nationalisms. This secularistic human society, notwithstanding its unparalleled materialistic achievement, is slowly disintegrating. The chief cohesive force resisting this disintegration of antagonism is nationalism. And nationalism is the chief barrier to world peace. Page 2082-2
Absolutely TRUE...

One of the most frequent misconceptions that I find people clinging to is that the word RELIGION must be understood only to mean that which would center itself around something supernatural.

As an example, - one definition of the word RELIGION has been given as:

---...';A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion';...---

By that definition alone even 'Atheism' could rightfully be defined as a religion (I can hear some of my fellow atheists gasping even as I type this)...:-))

Granted, - RELIGION is most associated with that which would adhere to doctrines and tenets that, in some manner, professes a belief that something 'otherworldly' created and/or regulates our world.

That said, when one uses the word RELIGION outside of its theistic meanings then they should take some care in ensuring that they are clearly understood within the context of its usage.

Well, in the definition of the word, no. But, in the ';spirit'; of the word, somewhat. Religion its self is used in nationalistic pride (ie. we are all christian, let's kill 'em Arabs). In my opinion, religion is an integral part of nationalism, but still, only a part. Religion is based on the ideas from something believed to be the truth (ie. One God, Jesus died on the cross, The earth was flooded for 40 days, The Ten Commandments coming from God). Nationalism is based on ideas made up by a society, such as (hey, our skin is the same, we should be willing to die for each other).

Of course, it is true that many people blindly follow the dogma of nationalism, just like with religion, so, it's really just a matter of interpretation.
Im pretty sure youre aware of how stupid that sounds. I KNOW that you know that nationalism doesnt involve a spiritual component. So I am going to assume you are anti-theistic, criticizing patriotism as a form of blind dogmatism.

In which case, youre dead wrong.

Move out if youre not a loyalist... what more is there to say?


What the person below me, ME, is describing is called a ';philosophy';. Not a religion.

But feel free to up thumb only those who agree with you, regardless of the worth of their argument or the truth of their statements.
well they are both belief systems based on selected information

being released to the public with much disinformation interspersed.

Leaders on both sides want to maintain control of your thoughts

and actions and are willing to do whatever is necessary to

accomplish that end.

they learned from each other.

Neither worships ';God';, because neither has any concept of what God is.
i think so. just like atheism can be a sort of ';religion.'; i think religion is simple what you base your values, life, and decisions on. i think nationalism can fall into that category
Religion by definition is the journey to become closer to the supernatural.

Nationalism is the journey to become closer and satisfy oneself.
True, but it should not be it has nothing to do with religion, its excatly has alot more in common with the goverment.
Nationalism and religion are forms of tribalism.
...thought about it too...true...

...another creation of man...
it doesn't involve the supernatural, so I vote no.

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