Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do people deny mythologies that have existed independent of eachother in varying cultures as false?

There are lots of myths common worldwide. Bigfoot-types, vampires, merfolk, ogres, sphinxs, protective iron, the llist goes on and on. Why do you reject this? How could so many cultures completely isolated from each other all come up with the idea of spreading small object such as seeds so spirits would count them and be distracted? So many of them are so retarted I dont see how they could have arisn just by chance.Why do people deny mythologies that have existed independent of eachother in varying cultures as false?
Myths were a way of telling youngsters not to stray from the parents teachings.

Most people choose not to believe in such things as they believe it to be immature to believe such things or even blasphemous.

I am a great believer in myths, legends and the unexplained.

I spent many years reading about vampires from around the world. In China, they hop with arms outstretched and are obsessive/compulsive about arranging items (ie.rice counting); In Africa, they are Short (pygmies) creatures that drink blood from your thumb.

The one real similarity is that they drink blood and no matter where they drink from on the body they still go for an artery, strange that this was all before we had knowledge of arteries moved blood at higher pressure.

Personally, I love the tales of Pyramids in the Andes, the far-east and even in Australia.Why do people deny mythologies that have existed independent of eachother in varying cultures as false?
The only thing we do better than believing lies is denying the truth.
In past times, when every aspect of life was governed by signs, omens, evil eyes, spells, etc. stories passed from one to the other like lightning. If a common place event happened the news of it spread slowly, but some imagined superstitious event traveled throughout the world in a very short time.

People throughout the centuries have always been fascinated by unexplainable stories. The weirder the better.
there is no original thought,
It's actually a complicated subject for historians and archaeologists and a lot of the reasons involves the fact that the similar stories have to be traced back to either cultures communicating with each other at some point, or the existence of something that would trigger that story that exists in both cultures.

It is well documented that most cultures have a ';Great Deluge'; [1] story, but why this story exists is still subject to debate - see the a fore cited article for some interesting reading in that regards.

Now that said, not all shared stories should be taken as evidence of the existence of something just as much as enough stores from different cultures about something is an indication that more might be at play. Currently some archeologist's are starting to do some research to determine if possible cultural communication to place on any sort of a level prior to Columbus which could account for some of the stories and some people are preforming research to determine if some of the animal stories might have some bases in fact.
The answer to this is ignorance, a lack of investigation, and just plain acceptance into what they have been taught. there is also the fear of the unknown along with the 'living in the here and now. Too many people are only interested in what they will wear tomorrow night, the new shades of lipstick or the price of sausages at extra foods and safeway. They are also more interested in what 'divides' them than in what they all have in common, hence the ongoing battle between Christianity and Paganism. We could put warfare between nations in the latter group also.

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